How to get to the 0% tax bracket and transform your retirement.
“In this book, David McKnight provides you with a road map of how to get to the zero percent tax bracket, virtually eliminating the tax risk, which, if not addressed, will easily consume a solid portion of your retirement savings. It’s time to face reality. Taxes will increase, and tax-deferred accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs are the low-hanging fruit waiting to be picked by Uncle Sam. Follow the steps in this book and you’ll keep your hard-earned retirement savings out of Uncle Sam’s reach.”
Ed Slott, CPA
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What They Didn’t Tell you about Your 401(k) or IRA…
It is important to understand that your 401Ks and IRAs not only are your retirement plans but also a key part of Uncle Sam’s government funding program.
When you reach age 72 or 73, he’ll even tell you how much you have to take out with RMDs or required minimum distributions. As you age the percentage of your account that you are required to take out increases each year. If your goal is to exhaust your account, then you are not the only one with that goal…
Your "Partner"
Remember when you first opened your 401(k), and everyone told you what a good decision you’d made? I’ll bet they didn’t tell you that Uncle Sam was going to be your account partner! When you put money into the account, you got a tax break and didn’t pay tax. Since that time, the money you put in (the seed) has grown tax-deferred, hopefully into a large amount.
So, the net effect is that you will pay tax on the harvest, instead of the seed, when you take it out. And if Uncle Sam unilaterally decides to raise taxes, then you’ll just get a smaller piece of the pie!
It is important to understand that your 401(k)s and IRAs not only are your retirement plans but also a key part of Uncle Sam’s government funding program.
When you reach age 72 or 73, he’ll even tell you how much you have to take out with RMDs or required minimum distributions. As you age the percentage of your account that you are required to take out increases each year.
If your goal is to exhaust your account, then you are not the only one with that goal…
This book explains how to get to the 0% tax bracket and transform your retirement. Learn how to keep more of your hard-earned money in your retirement plan.
If you want to know how to make and keep as much of YOUR money as possible in retirement, then this book is for you! Here’s exactly what you’ll learn:
The truth about taxes, and why it’s imperative that you keep Uncle Sam out of your retirement plan with the U.S. government currently over $30 TRILLION in debt.
The history of taxation in the United States and the probability of what will happen in the future.
Why the government is so fond of IRAs and 401(k)s and why that should not be your planning vehicles.
The three “buckets” that make up retirement planning and how you should allocate to your Taxable, Tax-Deferred, and Tax-Free Buckets.
How to position your retirement dollars so you can access them tax-free during your golden years.
How to not get taken advantage of when it comes to taxes on your social security (Yes, it can be taxable)
How to minimize or even eliminate stock market risk, while still earning up to double digit returns on your retirement dollars.
How to plan for retirement without sacrificing today’s needs.
32 Trillion
The United States government is currently nearly $32 TRILLION in debt!
Our national debt has tripled in the last 15 years from $10 trillion to $32 trillion!
Just to get a little perspective on how much a trillion is, let’s compare it to seconds:
One trillion seconds is 31,710 years!
So, where do you think the government will get money to service and pay this huge debt?
The simple answer—Taxes!
And we are currently at some of the lowest tax rates in history. (Top tax brackets have been as high as 70% as recently as the 1980s.)
And retirement accounts such as 401(k)s and IRAs are the low hanging fruit.
Don't Wait! Keep YOUR Money!
You've worked hard for your retirement. Learn how to keep more of what you've earned.
Get your FREE copy of "The Power of Zero"
From the Desk of David Facer, Retirement Advisor
This book has been an absolute game changer because it clarifies for my clients how to structure their retirement plan and protect against things like stock market risk, taxes, and so much more! Most financial advisors don't account for the impact of taxes.
In this book you will learn about what are called ‘the tax buckets’:
The first one is the “taxable bucket” – includes things like cash, stocks, and investments that you get a 1099 on...
The second bucket is the “tax-deferred bucket” which includes accounts like your 401(k), 403(b), IRAs, pensions, and more...
And the third bucket, is the “tax-free” bucket.
Now, this third bucket is the one that you will want to take the most advantage of, so that you can enjoy as much of your money in retirement as possible, and not have to worry about that Uncle that nobody likes… Uncle Sam.
But Don't Just Take My Word For it...
Here's what others are saying...
If you’re dumping money into a 401(k) or IRA, you need to read this book today!
Dave Cox
Like it or not, taxes are likely to rise and McKnight’s proposal that we reposition our assets now so as to avoid higher taxes in the future could not be more timely.
Greg Gillis
With all the economic uncertainty, The Power of Zero gives people a road map to greater predictability, control, and peace of mind in retirement.
Hal Allen, CPA
What You Will Learn:
Let’s say you just retired, and you decide to go to an ATM to withdraw money, and you want to pull out $100,000…
You earned this!
You’ve worked hard for this!
But when you go to grab your money from the machine, instead of the $100,000 you requested, the machine only gives you $70,000.
Confused, you double check to make sure you entered the amount correctly.
Sure enough, you entered $100,000; but you forgot one thing…
You’re in a 30% tax bracket, the account you’re withdrawing your money from is a taxable account like an IRA or 401(k), and this guy named Uncle Sam is right beside you with his hand out, ready to collect the amount you owe.
Your mind starts racing… What could you have done with that extra $30,000?
A vacation?
A car?
Spoiled your children and grandchildren?
Who knows?
But all that matters in the moment is that you don’t have that money.
And that’s exactly what I want to help you avoid, and what you will learn in "The Power of Zero.
Who are these strategies for?
Those with 401(k)s, 403(b)s or IRAs
Those who have already accumulated retirement assets.
People in Retirement
Business Owners
High Earners
Those who have not started Retirement Planning, yet.
With this in mind, I am offering complimentary, one-on-one Retirement Planning Consultations with each book order, to help you understand exactly where you are today in relation to your retirement goals, and what you can do to make and keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible.
Usually, for a consultation like this, I charge a fee per session, but since you’ve shown that you are an action taker, and someone that really cares about your planning, I want to offer you this at absolutely no cost to you.
So, when you’re ready, simply click on the button below, and pick a time that works best with your schedule.
The first step for you to achieve peace of mind is to simply click on the button below, and we can get started.
The sooner you learn about these strategies the sooner you will be able to reach your retirement dreams.
I’m looking forward to meeting with you!
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Why Are We Doing This?
You probably have spent your whole life accumulating a nest egg. Most financial advisors have expertise in helping people grow a nest egg.
However, as you approach retirement you need someone who understands the best way to decumulate your nest egg. Maximizing your after-tax income in retirement and what you pass on to your heirs requires different knowledge than getting a return.
We know that some people will get the book and not read it or appreciate its value to their retirement planning.
However, we also know that there will be people that will read the book, recognize the power in what we are offering, and want to know more.
And because this isn’t common knowledge, more than likely they will want to learn more from someone with expertise in retirement planning.
A Free Consultation to Protect Your Retirement:
Being anxious about whether or not you can meet your retirement goals is understandable.
But there's so much more you could be doing to ensure your retirement is protected from future taxes and market crashes!
David Facer, a senior retirement advisor from Western Advisors is offering a free consultation for anyone concerned about whether or not their investments and assets are protected from potential threats and market risks.
To book your free strategy session, simply pick the time below that works best for you and your schedule: